Being Woman; the Inner Winter yoga event
Learn how to self soothe & nourish the body|mind, during the inner winter phase of your cycle, to cultivate self love, compassion & kindness
Do you suffer from energy depletion?
Do you struggle to slow down or resist rest?
Experience painful bleeds or headaches?
Find it hard to control your mood and self regulate?
Would you like to embrace your bleed in a positive light instead of perhaps going to the negative ‘stories’?
Embody who you are truely are; a beautiful, powerful & cyclic feminine being who goes through death & rebirth every month!
Join me for this deeply nourishing event to build awareness around the inner seasons | phases of your menstrual cycle
This is for every woman, no matter where you are at in your cycle or if you are no longer menstruating, as these practices provide support with your hormones & internal organs, making them helpful for women of all ages.
Part 1 of a 4 part series; we will cover the Inner Winter phase, which generally starts around day 27 through to day 5 of your cycle.
How we take care of ourselves during this season can greatly affect our entire cycle & subsequent cycles.
During this phase we honour our decrease in energy levels, as we prioritise rest, take active rest to go inward, & ensure we are taking gentle & mindful movement only.
Learn to tap in to expansive awareness, deepen your intuitive insights & improve your health by connecting to your womb, as we nourish & nurture ourselves during our inner winter phase.
This 2 hour event will include:
Meditation & Pranayama | breathing techniques, to ground, go inward & tune into our body to receive the messages it provides.
Gentle yoga Asana | poses to:
Relieve tension from menstrual cramps & headaches
Create space in the womb, hips & lower back
Improve circulation & nourish our bodies with breath | Prana
Restorative Yoga for:
Surrender & self nourishment
Active rest to connect to the womb & heart spaces
Balancing our mood & calming our nervous system
Restoring energy
Extra long Savasana | resting pose, with hands on adjustments should you feel comfortable to receive.
This event will conclude with time for a cuppa, journalling & sharing with the other women.