Byron Writers Festival

For three days in August, more than 140 writers and thinkers will come together in Byron to ponder the power of stories and the written word in shaping who we are. Now in its 26th year, Byron Writers Festival has become famous for its relaxed and friendly vibe, open-air coastal location and compelling conversations spanning a mix of genres including environment, first nations, politics, philosophy, music, art, social issues and of course memoir and fiction. Now more than ever, the joy of gathering together to listen, reflect, laugh and be uplifted, feels so important. Expect to hear from your favourite authors, discover new talented writers and listen to conversations with some of our greatest thinkers on the topics that matter now. Key dates: June 15: Early Bird 3-day Passes on sale (one week only), first guest announcement June 30: Sunday Locals’ Passes on sale (limited release, conditions apply) July 13: Full program announced – all tickets on sale Aug 26-28: Festival Weekend