Making a Name – Lyle Duncan

In this exhibition, Lyle Duncan looks at the self-proclaimed identity of the Gold Coast, and coastal identity in general. The works explore a romantic entwinement between the natural and built environments and how this relationship contributes to the collective coastal facade. Making a Name features a body of work that appropriates the typographic signage on Gold Coast apartment buildings, and sun bleaches them onto paper. Viewers are invited to contemplate signage, redefined as symbols with a tenuous connection to the idea of paradise. Additionally, sculptural works in the exhibition question the implications of coastal identity with a city infatuated with the sun. Is this identity one of truth or stereotype?
A Tweed Regional Gallery initiative. An outcome of the PLATFORM program.
The Regional Arts Development Fund is a partnership between the Queensland Government and the City of Gold Coast Council to support local arts and culture in regional Queensland.
Lyle Duncan
Paramount 2022
solar photogram on paper
21 x 30cm
Image courtesy the artist