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Mind Masters Organic Learning (6-9)


Tue 27th September 2022, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM


Marine Parade
Kingscliff NSW 2487

Other Dates

Tue 27th September 2022, 09:00am

Thu 29th September 2022, 09:00am

Tue 04th October 2022, 09:00am

Thu 06th October 2022, 09:00am


Take back your time, and energy, and return mental clarity knowing your child has everything they need. Access tools your child needs to understand their emotions quickly. Created and inspired by school teachers, positive psychology techniques provide new emotional regulation and zen focus for a happy and victorious life. 

The Young Mindz workshop is full of leadership, positive mindset, resilience, social emotional games and activities that teach new crucial emotional regulation tools and positive self-talk strategies for your child to feel grounded within themselves, who they are, and who they are becoming.

Negative Talk Habits are learnt from our parents, grandparents, family and friends, a generational trap. When we were younger negative self-talk beliefs were established as personal truth, like a cork in a bottle these beliefs limit us from reaching our full potential. Mind Master Mentors use Positive Self-Talk Tactics to guarantee we are not passing on negative self-talk leading to a lifetime of questioning self-worth.

Young Mindz offers Mind Master Workshops to shift negativity into a strong positive mindset that nourishes forever. Fun activity-based workshops give the opportunity to quickly access new potential and thrive in education, sport, friendships, and life pursuits. Give your child access to achieve, fun action-packed days that your child will love.

Tranquillise Anxiety & Fear

Anxiety can feel like a big, scary monster that is always waiting to jump out and get you. It can make it hard to focus on anything else or enjoy life the way you should. It’s hard to be a kid these days. You have to worry about school, friendships, and your future. And if that’s not hard enough, you might also be worrying about things that you don’t even understand yet, like anxiety.

Childhood anxiety can take many different forms and often disrupts normal development. Left untreated, childhood anxiety can lead to long-term problems. It can lead to increased symptoms of ADHD, night terrors/sleepwalking, fearful thoughts, and reduced family connection.

Mind Masters is designed specifically for kids to give them freedom from their anxiety. Children learn new impulse control techniques, emotional regulation strategies, and positive thinking skills that will quickly help them feel better prepared to face whatever comes their way.

Increase Self-Worth

All children experience difficult emotions and thoughts at some point in their lives. Negative self-talk is a common problem that can have a significant impact on our child’s mental and physical health. These experiences are really tough for kids and can lead to a loss of confidence in themselves. As parents we may have noticed negative talk about our self-image or in the way we speak to ourselves, passing it on to our children. Negative self-talk can express itself in many ways, including loss of focus & self-esteem or trouble finding friends.

Young Mindz integrates new Positive Self-Talk Tactics to help children understand their thoughts and emotions to access self-empowerment. 


ADHD is one of the most commonly misdiagnosed disorders in the world, and it can have a serious impact on a child’s development. ADHD has a broad spectrum and most of us are on it. Some schools may encourage medications for your children but be warned it is also in the best interest of these schools as they receive extra funding for a diagnosis. By understanding themselves and their emotions, your child can access new strategies to help them focus. 

Advance Strong Inner Resilience 

Children can feel overwhelmed by their emotions and may not have the tools to deal with them healthily. When children don’t have a way to deal with their feelings, they may shut down or act out in ways that are harmful to themselves or others. Help your child explore and become better aware of their emotions. Through practice, children learn to access the awareness to spot emotional shifts within their bodies. They will learn tools to choose how they want to respond to these feelings consciously rather than being controlled by them. 

Unique is popular, learn how to empower personal strengths with confidence. It can be tough to feel confident and empowered in our personal strengths. We often doubt ourselves and feel limited by our self-beliefs. This can lead to feelings of depression, anxiety, fear, worry and lowered self-worth which can prevent us from reaching our true potential.

Offer a unique way to learn empowering skills and knowledge that will help your child build confidence, centre their focus, and forge strong friendships. Young Mindz Programs are designed to inspire, your child can level up without limiting beliefs or negative self-talk.


$60 AUD


Tue 27th September 2022, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM


Marine Parade
Kingscliff NSW 2487

Other Dates

Tue 27th September 2022, 09:00am

Thu 29th September 2022, 09:00am

Tue 04th October 2022, 09:00am

Thu 06th October 2022, 09:00am

We wish to acknowledge the Ngandowal and Minyungbal speaking people of the Bundjalung Country, in particular the Goodjinburra, Tul-gi-gin and Moorung – Moobah clans, as being the traditional owners and custodians of the land and waters within the Tweed Shire boundaries. We also acknowledge and respect the Tweed Aboriginal community’s right to speak for its Country and to care for its traditional Country in accordance with its lores, customs and traditions.