Six-Week Surf Wellness Program: Kirra Beach

Waves of Wellness facilitate free mental health surf therapy across Australia, focused on delivering mental health and psychoeducation programs to empower individuals to take control of their own mental and overall well-being, all while getting participants into the great outdoors and developing a new skill through surfing! Waves of Wellness believe dealing with mental health is not just about dealing with a crisis, but also about finding healthy outlets for people struggling, recovering and doing fine. By facilitating conversations and connection and by increasing awareness, we want to change the way mental health is viewed and treated. Waves of Wellness have an upcoming six-Week Sand n’ Surf Program (Men’s Wellness) in Kirra Beach that is funded by our partners at the Movember Foundation. The program is for men aged 18+, with a few places reserved for allies of men. All equipment is provided, and all surf abilities are welcome.