The Immortal Poet – Works by Garry Shead

Donated through the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program by the artist, 2017 Tweed Regional Gallery collection.
The figurative works of Garry Shead held within the Tweed Regional Gallery are rich in allegories and metaphors for the transience of life.
The Immortal Poet presents a selection of Shead’s etchings and includes his series on the literary icon and fictious Australian poet, Ern Malley.
The exhibition title shares its name with one of Shead’s works, and pays tribute to Malley’s lasting legacy. Malley was created in 1943 by James McAuley and Harold Stewart as a hoax to the modernist art and literary movement, yet continues to be a source of inspiration for authors and artists to this day.
A Tweed Regional Gallery initiative
Garry Shead
Petit testament II (Ern Malley series) (detail) 2005
etching on paper
45 x 60.5 cm
Donated through the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program by the artist, 2017 Tweed Regional Gallery collection